Where to Get More Information About Herpes

The centre for disease control in Atlanta publishes a herpes fact sheet that can be accessed here:


There is a national herpes resource centre here:


If you are worried about other STDs, information can be found here:


You should also check with your family doctor, or local walk-in clinic.  You are welcome to ask us questions here as well.

See below for, as promised, how to get rid of herpes forever!

Get Rid Of Herpes Forever

Herpes is classified into 2 types of virus HSV-1 which affects mainly the mouth, and HSV-2 which affects mainly the genitals – although both types can go both places. About one out of every 8 people in North America has herpes but most don’t know that they are infected. Herpes is transmitted through broken skin so any skin to skin contact with a person who has the virus, could potentially give you herpes. Wearing a condom during intercourse does provide some protection and reduce your risk of getting herpes, but because your skin is still in contact with you partner, it is still possible to get herpes – even when using a condom. You should also be aware that it is impossible to tell if someone has herpes because they may have no sores, and no signs or symptoms of the disease. Even though they appear totally normal, they are still contagious.
The only way to find out if a person actually has herpes is to take a culture of a blister on a person who has the disease. Blood tests are not dependable because most of us have had herpes at one point. Typically, sores will appear about 2 weeks after you are exposed to the virus, and these sores take 2-4 weeks to heal. You may also have symptoms of viral infection (fever, swollen glands, general malaise, etc.). Herpes is a very common cause of swelling around the rectum and vagina so if you have this swelling, you should ask your doctor to check for herpes.
The Good News:
If you haven’t been exposed – protect yourself! Use condoms, and be very cautious about having sex with someone you don’t really know. If you already have herpes, RELAX! Even though it can be embarrassing to talk about, and painful to deal with, there is hope for you. Herpes can be treated with antiviral medication. These medications – either Valtrex, or Famvir – will help clear up blisters and decrease viral shedding – making you less contagious. If you have less than 4 outbreaks a year, you should ask your doctor to prescribe Valtrex or Famvir for you to keep on hand so you can take it at the first signs of an outbreak. If you have 4 or more outbreaks a year, you should talk to your doctor about taking Valtrex or Famvir daily for an entire year. Most people who take this medication regime will be outbreak free the following year!